Art + Blockchain + Inclusion


United Africa Blockchain Association

The mission of the UABA is to unify the African blockchain ecosystem toward 8 common goals of harmonious coexistence and progress which are education, financial inclusion, sovereign identity, skills development, job creation, gender equality, fair and efficient trade, poverty alleviation.

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The Africa Blockchain Alliance

The mission of The Africa Blockchain Alliance is to equip each and every stakeholder with the best Blockchain education, acumen and tools to shape Africa’s future.

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Global Women in Blockchain

The mission of Global Women in Blockchain is to bring all resources for women under one umbrella to change the world.

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Cut The Ace

Cut The Ace scours the web, social media and NFT galleries on a daily basis to find the most exciting digital works by people of color across the globe.

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Black NFT Art

A media & community brand empowering Black people in the NFT space.

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Women of Crypto Art

Women of Crypto Art (WOCA) is a new community group formed to highlight and promote, collaborate and support any artist who identifies as a woman in the crypto art space.

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Women in Blockchain Boston

Women in Blockchain (WiB) is an initiative to increase diversity and remove barriers to entry in the blockchain space. WiB Boston was founded in 2017 to empower women to learn and grow.

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Promoting female speakers in blockchain.

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A global decentral collaboration platform and change-maker network powered by blockchain based impact currencies.

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